Eating disorder counselling
At Enlighten, one of the services I offer is eating disorder counselling.
Our eating relationship with food can vary from person to person. It is possible for any individual regardless of age or gender to have a problem with food. It can be as a result of the difficult thoughts and feelings we might have, that our eating relationship becomes a way of feeling like we are coping and in control.
There are some signs that may mean you have an issue with eating:
binge eating, making self sick, saving up food, feeling depressed, severe weight loss or severe weight gain, secrecy around eating, taking laxatives and over exercising although this is not an exhaustive list.
Eating issues may create physical effects that may eventually mean you need to see your GP who can refer you for further professional support like psychiatrists, nutritionists, dieticians and counsellors.
Finding a space in therapy to talk about your relationship with food might be extremely difficult. This may be the first time you have discussed something that you have kept a secret previously, for fear of being judged. Counselling can offer you a safe confidential space with a therapist unconnected with family and friends. In therapy you will have the time to explore your relationship with food and gain a better understanding of addressing your relationship with it.
Contact me if you would like to learn more about how I can help you with eating disorder counselling.